Review door The Meeple Gamer

Review by The Meeple Gamer


This exciting board game is all about collecting sheep and strategically expanding your herd. Only sheep cards with a green background yield points, while other cards can cause unexpected twists. After three rounds, the player with the highest total score wins!

Conclusion & final score

Difficulty: 2.50/ 5
Replayability: 8
Our score: 8 out of 10 dice

We learned to play Sheep Showdown on MoxCon , a very nice game fair in Alkmaar, we were already very enthusiastic then. The game is easy to learn and super exciting. You can steal cards from your opponents and perform special actions with the action cards. My favorite is the rocket sheep, with which you can jump two spaces!🚀

Whether you play a short or long session, you will always discover new ways to outsmart your opponents. Perfect for a cozy evening full of excitement and fun!

Each game the game looks completely different and you never know where the cards with the most points are. Blocking, clever positioning and taking risks are essential to thwart your opponents, also see if you can thwart your opponent and steal a card. Think ahead, because every move can drastically change the course of the round!

This is just one part, read the full explanation and review by The Meeple Gamer here .

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