Review in Game!
Published in Game! Volume 28.2, December 2024
Aggressive sheep counting in Sheep Showdown
Also in the family or filler class we find the nicely illustrated tile game Sheep Showdown. But we do not lay the tiles, we pick them up. Our shepherd dog may take one straight step to a tile that is still lying down and then activate it. With 1,2,3,5 sheep that is just grabbing for the same number of points. A wolf scores -1 point, but you move someone else's dog. And then there is jumping, sliding, blocking and a real exploding sheep.
You're out when you can't move anymore - or get blown up of course. The last one left has to take two more steps and then we'll start counting sheep. Find your route so that you get a lot of sheep, but don't get stuck; carefully taking into account wolf actions and that suicide bomb sheep.
Given all the possibilities, especially on a nine by nine board or with many players, thinking is optional. Play fast, enjoy the chaos, and just play a few games in a row. (HvH)
Text by: Wilco van Doorn and Hans van Halteren